My name is Lenito. "Lee" is my nickname, a Christian from Philippines. I was saved year 2007, thanks to a preacher that shared me the gospel. The Bible tells me that YES I am Saved in John 14:6, John 3:16-18, Romans 6:23, Romans 10:13 and list goes on. I'm so glad that Jesus gives me the power to become part of His family (John 1:12) be receiving Him as my Personal Savior. I was baptized on the same year and since then I have been walking to the way, to the truth and to the life Jesus wants me to live.
By God's grace, I am doing things to support the ministry. As another way of giving back and honoring my Savior, I created this blog for the purpose of sharing gospel songs we will be singing in every church services. And at the same time document them for us to use anytime we want. I also put chords and videos so that you can sing along. All videos added are temporary. I will be adding my own either instrumental or me singing or group singing.
For simplicity, I use the chord of G. This way, you will be learning 4 things very quickly and of course with continuous practice i.e. learn to play chords using the guitar or piano, learn to sing based on the chords, learn the basic chords and learn to hear the sound of the chords. I have this desire to create a video of the Choir or me singing or playing the guitar but I don't have the time yet but Lord willing it can be done.
I was a regular member of the church back then when I started this blog and have worked in a company that manage a website. But things turned the other way and my direction changed when typhoon Yolanda hit in our area. That was November 8, 2013. We are badly affected but not our faith. It became also a turning point of our Pastor who being led by the Holy Spirit, decided to start a new ministry in Mindanao Philippines and prayed for someone in the church to take over. To make the story short, I prayed and decided to quit my job on February 28, 2014 and officially work as full time Pastor of the church on March 01, 2014. And by the grace of God, I am still Pastoring our church Bible Baptist Temple, in Bogo City, Cebu Philippines.
I am an average musician but I believe I can be a blessing to this ministry. Actually I was able to arrange our songbooks with chords for our young people in the church to play. And praise the Lord, we have produced our a 14 year old pianist in the church. Ages 10 can also play. If you want a gospel or hymnal songs with chords, do not hesitate to contact and it would be a blessing to be a blessing.
Add me on Facebook: Lenito Abao Alarde
Church Facebook Page: Bible Baptist Temple, in Bogo City, Cebu Philippines.
If God touch your heart and would want to help this ministry, you can do so by Donating to Paypal below. God bless! Yes, you can share this blog to your friends if you find this helpful. Thanks.

2 Corinthians 9:7 - "Every man according as he purposes in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver."
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